Green skin is one of the signs of beauty. The age of forty is one of the most beautiful ages for women. It is full of femininity and maturity, but there are some changes due to the low rate of estrogen that affects the skin's freshness and vitality.
There are some tips that help keep the beauty of the skin and youth permanent and become more refreshed and bright at the age of forty, according to the site "Healthy Man."
1. Take 8 glasses of water a day in the summer
Drink water should be the first option especially with the summer of the body loses fluids as a result of high temperatures, so you must eat at least 8 glasses of water a day or more until you get a smooth skin bright, you can eat a little milk or skimmed Because it contains a large proportion of water, it is considered an important element to your skin health and skin tone.
2. Unsweetened natural juices give your skin freshness and beauty
Liquids are also essential during the summer, especially unsweetened natural juices such as orange juice, watermelon, kiwi, lemon, carrots, beets, strawberries, melons and other kinds of fruits that contain more vitamins, minerals and fiber that nourish your skin and skin and give you a shine.
3. Antioxidants protect your skin cells

Drinks containing antioxidants help to protect skin and body cells from harmful substances and agents, which are abundant in coffee, especially green and green tea.
4. Vitamins are essential for the health and freshness of the skin

Eat foods that contain vitamin A because they maintain the softness and freshness of the skin especially carrots, apricots and leafy vegetables such as lettuce, parsley, watercress, spinach and dill, as well as vitamin B2 to prevent cracking the skin available in milk, meat, eggs, wheat, yeast and some types of grains. Which is effective in reducing acne, pimples and blackheads, and is available in bananas, wheat, chicken, pulses as well as liver and meat, in addition to vitamin H is responsible for the renewal and freshness of the skin and available in whole grains and nuts.
5. Water has an effective effect on skin beauty

Water is a secret of purity and vitality of the skin and is one of the most fluid that does not have an immediate and rapid effect on the beauty of the skin, and the only means to stimulate blood circulation, where the water proportion of the body about 60 to 70%, and thus renew the cells and help them to do their functions in normal and summer Considered one of the most seasons that need to take a bath water lukewarm to rid the body of bacteria and the effects of sweat and dead skin and gives the skin freshness.
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