You decided to fight the bacon? The aim should always be to permanently change his lifestyle to a healthy diet - combined with more exercise. But first of all, it's important to persevere. Here are the best tips and tricks that can help.

1. No hunger - no food

Hunger is a signal of the body, which has been suspended for many. Food is often not controlled by hunger, but by the time. Who does not know that, punctually at noon, no matter if hungry or not, it's time to sit down and enjoy a sumptuous meal. If you want to stay slim, listen to the signals of your body and eat only when you are really hungry.

2. Eat slowly

one packed, it is difficult for many people, the food is in front of them, to measure. At breathtaking speed, an over sized portion disappears from the plate into the mouth. The consequences can - in the truest sense of the word - be weighty.

Eating over the saturation point not only leads to uncomfortable feeling of fullness, but also a display of the scale that speeds up to gigantic heights can occur. Slow meal instead of hasty slings therefore is the motto. Every bite is chewed thoroughly and small breaks during the meal can help. Even if enough food has already been given, it will take a little while until the feeling of satiation occurs.

3. Drink, drink, drink

A growling stomach and a wide emptiness in the stomach, these are well-known situations for the diet-plagued. Satisfied is who drinks a lot. A glass of carbonated water before eating will saturate well. The carbonic acid bound in the water is released. The increase in volume causes the stomach walls to become stretched, a feeling of satiety occurs, so eating less is no longer a problem.
4. Calorie savings for the party
In order not to be in a bad mood at the weekend and having to spend the party buffet only remotely, it makes sense to save a few extra calories during the week. The "starving" creates storage space for culinary delights that promises the invitation for the Saturday night and prevents the party from mutating into a hungry gauntlet.

5. Exercise is the best fat burner

At a regular fitness training leads with losing weight no way around. A lot of physical activity increases the energy consumption and makes the fat disappear. Another advantage: muscle mass is formed. A firm, muscular tummy not only looks better than its wobbly counterpart.

An increase in muscle mass also means an increase in the basal metabolic rate. Consuming muscles, as opposed to fat, energy and even when not in use. So that putting on the sports clothes should also be worth one
 Exercise unit will take at least 30 minutes, preferably three times a week. If you carry too many kilos around with you, choosing the right sport is crucial. Walking or water aerobics spare the spine and joints.

6. Drink, but right

And water and no wine or juice. Certain drinks burden the energy balance. Those who like to eat should be careful to drink energy-free or low-energy drinks. A glass of juice or lemonade, as far as the calories are concerned, should not be underestimated. Anyone who drinks half a liter of juice at the usual meal will increase slightly.

Even alcoholic drinks should be enjoyed only in moderation. 1 gram of alcohol has an energy content of 7 kilo calories. In comparison: 1 gram of fat provides 9 kilo calories. However, if you do not want to give up your wine and still want to drink juice instead of Schorle, you should eat less so as not to get fatter.

7. Prohibitions are there to break

Everything forbidden exerts a special charm, this is especially true for the food. Who completely strikes off chocolate and biscuits from the diet, which will develop after some time a craving, which shakes all good intentions. Once you have overpowered the craving for chocolate, there is no stopping you with the result that you do not eat a piece of chocolate, but a whole table. To prevent this, one should rather occasionally, with pleasure, eat a bar of chocolate.

8. Vanilla scent against hunger for sweets

The sweetish scent of vanilla helps resist the temptations in the confectionery department. Vanilla oil or a vanilla-flavored candle can increase the stamina of a reduction diet and help you resist sweet sins. A helpful spice is also cinnamon. This can lower the blood sugar and blood lipid level.