Losing weight but especially not taking it back is never easy. All fad diets in fashion with beautiful promises unrealistic and untenable you sell dream but do not give you the means to keep the results, if there were! No reason to feel guilty because what person would not be tempted by such an approach? How then to permanently lose those sneaky and superfluous pounds that poison your life? Here are some keys to help you!

Give up fantasy regimes

Some diets actually make you lose weight, sometimes even a lot of weight but at what price? Why do you impose restrictive and inappropriate diets? You expose yourself very often to a risk of nutritional imbalance (fiber, minerals, vitamins ...) so harmful to your health: note for example that high protein diets can overwork the kidneys. Not to mention that it requires a lot of will, and without forgetting the psychological components, behavioral or those related to the environment. What frustration!

And the morale in all this? It's not better. He rarely stays in good shape. It looks rather sad.

You know by heart the effect yo-yo, this hellish phenomenon! One diet chases the other but always ends in the same way: an inevitable weight recovery accompanied by a few extra kilos. This is the very effect of a restrictive diet. This relapse has inevitable consequences on your daily life. You are in a situation of failure, of guilt, of misjudgment of you ... It is necessary to go to the evidence, the miracle diet does not exist, otherwise it would be known! You have to regain control of your body by giving it a healthy and diversified diet. And better to accept some curves rather than wanting to achieve an unattainable goal; it is a prerequisite if you want to stabilize your weight.

To lose weight permanently, opt for non-diet by choosing rather the adoption of good eating habits that are observable over the long term. Also, it is important to be supported in your approach. All sprinkled with non frustration. This is the only way to get there.

Also, it should be kept in mind that nothing replaces the consultation with a health professional to establish a nutritional program adapted to your personal situation. In other words, nothing replaces a personalized follow-up.

Eat varied, diverse and colorful

Take the time to eat, to ask yourself (and not to eat on a corner of the table), to appreciate the contents of your plates. Do you know that your brain needs 20 minutes to start receiving the first signals of satiety. In other words, if you eat in 5 minutes, he will not have the information. You will not be satisfied or satisfied!
Cut out your food in small pieces, chew slowly. The key word is to optimize the pleasure of tasting (without increasing the quantities consumed); the pleasure must remain in the center of your plate, it is very important!

Eat your hunger, but without excess. When you have eaten enough, stop even if he remains on the plate, even if the content of your plate you made a call from the foot; do not force yourself to finish it. It requires a good knowledge of these signals, I grant you! You must be full but just right!
Bet on satiating foods, low caloric density therefore by reducing food too fat and too sweet;
Do not skip meals, take at least a substantial snack and convenient to eat as a fruit or a yogurt drink with a slice of wholemeal bread; you will avoid the risk of nibbling;
Drink some water before eating, you'll eat a little less. In fact, water fulfills the role of natural calamity appetite suppressant;
Put some color on your plate, it's good for morale. In addition, you will be full of antioxidants!

Moderate your quantities

Swap your big plates for smaller ones: you'll put less in it!
It is best to start with small portions and then refill if necessary rather than taking a full plate from the start;

You've abused extras, the chocolate cake made you look sweet. Above all, do not feel guilty, you must also know how to enjoy gourmet pleasures. You will simply make up for a more frugal meal or you will increase your sports dose!

Eat less fat and less sweet

Particular attention will be given to the qualitative aspect of fat:

â- Choose a good oil for seasonings such as rapeseed oil and consider changing them;

â- For cooking, opt for vegetable oils that are heat resistant, such as olive oil;

â- Do not remove fresh raw butter for morning slices of bread or to decorate cooked vegetables.

We will limit fatty foods like cold cuts, cheeses ... but no need to switch to skim milk products.

As for sweet products, do not put them aside. They are part of a fun diet. Deleting them is too frustrating. Enjoy yourself occasionally but always moderately! A trick to limit their contribution, when you scan food labels, avoid all products whose main ingredient is sugar. This will already be a good point!

Practice a physical activity

To stick to it, it is essential to choose an activity that suits you and not that you are imposed. It may be walking, swimming, climbing the stairs or why not gardening. Ideally, vary the activities. And practice them with a smile!

To remember: the food set up must not only respect your nutritional needs but it must be personalized, adapted to your desires, your food tastes, your pace of life ... because you are unique. You have to convince yourself.